Source code for bornprofiler.utilities

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# BornProfiler --- A package to calculate electrostatic free energies with APBS
# Written by Kaihsu Tai, Lennard van der Feltz, and Oliver Beckstein
# Released under the GNU Public Licence, version 3
# Copyright (c) 2005-2008 Kaihsu Tai, Oliver Beckstein
# Copyright (c) 2009-2013 Oliver Beckstein <>
# See the file COPYING for details.

Helper functions and classes --- :mod:`bornprofiler.utilities`

The module defines some convenience functions and classes that are
used in other modules.


.. autoclass:: AttributeDict


Some additional convenience functions that deal with files and

.. function:: openany(directory[,mode='r'])

   Context manager to open a compressed (bzip2, gzip) or plain file
   (uses :func:`anyopen`).

.. autofunction:: anyopen
.. autofunction:: realpath
.. function:: in_dir(directory[,create=True])

   Context manager to execute a code block in a directory.

   * The *directory* is created if it does not exist (unless
     *create* = ``False`` is set)
   * At the end or after an exception code always returns to
     the directory that was the current directory before entering
     the block.

.. autofunction:: find_first
.. autofunction:: withextsep

Functions that improve list processing and which do *not* treat
strings as lists:

.. autofunction:: iterable
.. autofunction:: asiterable

Functions that help handling files:

.. autofunction:: unlink_f


from __future__ import with_statement

__docformat__ = "restructuredtext en"

import os
import errno
from contextlib import contextmanager
import bz2, gzip

import logging
logger = logging.getLogger('bornprofiler.utilities')

[docs]class AttributeDict(dict): """A dictionary with pythonic access to keys as attributes --- useful for interactive work.""" def __getattribute__(self,x): try: return super(AttributeDict,self).__getattribute__(x) except AttributeError: return self[x] def __setattr__(self,name,value): try: super(AttributeDict,self).__setitem__(name, value) except KeyError: super(AttributeDict,self).__setattr__(name, value) def __getstate__(self): return self def __setstate__(self, state): self.update(state)
[docs]@contextmanager def openany(datasource, mode='r'): """Open the datasource and close it when the context exits.""" stream, filename = anyopen(datasource, mode=mode) try: yield stream finally: stream.close()
[docs]def anyopen(datasource, mode='r'): """Open datasource (gzipped, bzipped, uncompressed) and return a stream. :Arguments: - *datasource*: a file or a stream - *mode*: 'r' or 'w' """ handlers = {'bz2': bz2.BZ2File, 'gz':, '': file} if mode.startswith('r'): if hasattr(datasource,'next') or hasattr(datasource,'readline'): stream = datasource filename = '(%s)' % # maybe that does not always work? else: stream = None filename = datasource for ext in ('bz2', 'gz', ''): # file == '' should be last openfunc = handlers[ext] stream = _get_stream(datasource, openfunc, mode=mode) if not stream is None: break if stream is None: raise IOError("Cannot open %(filename)r in mode=%(mode)r." % vars()) elif mode.startswith('w'): if hasattr(datasource, 'write'): stream = datasource filename = '(%s)' % # maybe that does not always work? else: stream = None filename = datasource name, ext = os.path.splitext(filename) if ext.startswith('.'): ext = ext[1:] if not ext in ('bz2', 'gz'): ext = '' # anything else but bz2 or gz is just a normal file openfunc = handlers[ext] stream = openfunc(datasource, mode=mode) if stream is None: raise IOError("Cannot open %(filename)r in mode=%(mode)r with type %(ext)r." % vars()) else: raise NotImplementedError("Sorry, mode=%(mode)r is not implemented for %(datasource)r" % vars()) return stream, filename
def _get_stream(filename, openfunction=file, mode='r'): try: stream = openfunction(filename, mode=mode) except IOError: return None try: stream.readline() stream.close() stream = openfunction(filename,'r') except IOError: stream.close() stream = None return stream
[docs]@contextmanager def in_dir(directory, create=True): """Context manager to execute a code block in a directory. * The directory is created if it does not exist (unless create=False is set) * At the end or after an exception code always returns to the directory that was the current directory before entering the block. """ startdir = os.getcwd() try: try: os.chdir(directory)"Working in %(directory)r..." % vars()) except OSError, err: if create and err.errno == errno.ENOENT: os.makedirs(directory) os.chdir(directory)"Working in %(directory)r (newly created)..." % vars()) else: logger.exception("Failed to start working in %(directory)r." % vars()) raise yield os.getcwd() finally: os.chdir(startdir)
[docs]def realpath(*args): """Join all args and return the real path, rooted at /. Expands '~', '~user', and environment variables such as $HOME. Returns ``None`` if any of the args is ``None``. """ if None in args: return None return os.path.realpath(os.path.expanduser(os.path.expandvars(os.path.join(*args))))
[docs]def find_first(filename, suffices=None): """Find first *filename* with a suffix from *suffices*. :Arguments: *filename* base filename; this file name is checked first *suffices* list of suffices that are tried in turn on the root of *filename*; can contain the ext separator (:data:`os.path.extsep`) or not :Returns: The first match or ``None``. """ root,extension = os.path.splitext(filename) if suffices is None: suffices = [] else: suffices = withextsep(suffices) extensions = [extension] + suffices # native name is first for ext in extensions: fn = root + ext if os.path.exists(fn): return fn return None
[docs]def withextsep(extensions): """Return list in which each element is guaranteed to start with :data:`os.path.extsep`.""" def dottify(x): if x.startswith(os.path.extsep): return x return os.path.extsep + x return [dottify(x) for x in asiterable(extensions)]
[docs]def iterable(obj): """Returns ``True`` if *obj* can be iterated over and is *not* a string.""" if type(obj) is str: return False # avoid iterating over characters of a string if hasattr(obj, 'next'): return True # any iterator will do try: len(obj) # anything else that might work except TypeError: return False return True
[docs]def asiterable(obj): """Returns obj so that it can be iterated over; a string is *not* treated as iterable""" if not iterable(obj): obj = [obj] return obj
# In utilities so that it can be safely used in tools, cbook, ... def mkdir_p(path): """Create a directory *path* with subdirs but do not complain if it exists. This is like GNU ``mkdir -p path``. """ try: os.makedirs(path) except OSError, err: if err.errno != errno.EEXIST: raise