Building and installing BornProfiler

BornProfiler consists of a Python package bornprofiler and a a stand-alone executable draw_membrane2. The Python package is needed to set up the calculations and draw_membrane2 is needed as a helper tool for apbs; hence it needs to be installed on the same machine where apbs is going to run.

Required pre-requisites

  • python >= 2.7 and < 3
  • NumPy
  • a C compiler such as GNU gcc
  • APBS >= 1.3

Installation from Source

Unpack the tar ball:

tar zxvf BornProfiler-0.9.2.tar.gz

Install the python module and scripts:

cd BornProfiler
python install

(see python install --help for guidance on what your options are.)

Compile the customized (and improved) version of draw_membrane named draw_membrane2:

mkdir BUILD && cd BUILD
cmake -D CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=$HOME -D CMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release ../src/drawmembrane
make install

The make install step will install the executable draw_membrane2a under CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX/bin; change CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX if you prefer another location.

(cmake is not really needed; if you don’t have it try the following:

gcc ./src/drawmembrane/draw_membrane2a.c -o draw_membrane2a -lm -lz

and install manually in a place where you or your shell can find it.)


draw_membrane2a also needs to be installed on the machine where you want to run your BornProfiler jobs: it will run together with apbs. If you are going to run you calculations on a cluster then draw_membrane2a (and apbs) need to be both installed on the cluster.


Finalize your installation by running

This should tell you that it set up a configuration file ~/.bornprofiler.cfg and a number of directories.

The default ~/.bornprofiler.cfg looks like this:

configdir = ~/.bornprofiler
templatesdir = %(configdir)s/templates
qscriptdir = %(configdir)s/qscripts

apbs = apbs
drawmembrane = draw_membrane2a

The file can be edited in a text editor. For instance, one can add the full path to the apbs and draw_membrane2a executable binaries.

Any other variables used in run configuration input files can also be added here and will be used as defaults.

Advanced use: You can drop templates for run scripts into qscriptdir and have the BornProfiler package pick them up automagically.