Source code for bornprofiler.core

# -*- Mode: python; tab-width: 4; indent-tabs-mode:nil; coding: utf-8 -*-
# vim: tabstop=4 expandtab shiftwidth=4 softtabstop=4
# BornProfiler --- A package to calculate electrostatic free energies with APBS
# Written by Kaihsu Tai, Lennard van der Feltz, and Oliver Beckstein
# Released under the GNU Public Licence, version 3
# Copyright (c) 2005-2008 Kaihsu Tai, Oliver Beckstein
# Copyright (c) 2010-2013 Oliver Beckstein
# Copyright (c) 2013-2015 Oliver Beckstein, Lennard van der Feltz

Core functionality --- :mod:`bornprofiler.core`

Base classes around which the whole **BornProfiler** package is built,


from __future__ import with_statement
import math
import os, errno
import numpy
import sys
import bpio
from bpio import read_template
from config import configuration
from utilities import in_dir, asiterable
import logging
logger = logging.getLogger('bornprofiler.core')

# This TEMPLATE dict is only used in WriteIn() but it acts like a global cache
# (which is good when writing a few thousand windows).
# (or add a cache to read_template??)
TEMPLATES = {'placeion': read_template(''), }

TABLE_IONS = read_template('bornions.dat')

[docs]class Ion(dict): """Represent parameters for an ion.""" def __init__(self, name, symbol, atomname, radius, charge): super(Ion, self).__init__(name=name, symbol=symbol, atomname=atomname, radius=float(radius), charge=float(charge)) def __getattribute__(self, name): try: return self[name] except KeyError: return super(Ion, self).__getattribute__(name)
def _parse_TABLE_IONS(): ions = {} lines = TABLE_IONS.split('\n') for line in lines: values = line.split() if len(values) == 0 or line.startswith("#"): continue ions[values[0]] = Ion(*values) return ions #: Rashin&Honig ion data as a dict, read from :file:`templates/bornions.dat`. IONS = _parse_TABLE_IONS()
[docs]class BPbase(object): """Provide basic infra structure methods for bornprofiler classes. Defines the file name API. * simply number files, do not use z or other data in filename; * assume standard python 0-based indexing and naming * filenames are generated and typically only take *num*, the window number, as an argument .. Note:: This class cannot be used on its own and it relies on other attributes being set by the parent class. """ def jobpath(self, *args): return os.path.join(self.jobName, *args) def jobscriptname(self, num): return self.filename('job', num, '.bash') def infilename(self, num): return self.filename("job",num,".in") def outfilename(self, num): return self.filename("job",num,".out") def datafile(self, prefix, ext='.dat'): return "%s_%s%s" % (prefix, self.jobName, ext) def filename(self, prefix, num, ext): return '%s_%0{oomPoints}d%s'.format(oomPoints=self.oomPoints) % (prefix,num,ext) def window_jobname(self, num): return "w%0{oomPoints}d_%s".format(oomPoints=self.oomPoints) % (num,self.jobName) def get_ion_name(self, num): return self.filename("ion",num,".pqr") def get_complex_name(self, num): return self.filename("cpx",num,".pqr") def get_protein_name(self, num=None): return "pro.pqr" def get_apbs_script_name(self, num=None): if num is None: return "" # see :class:`electrostatics.BornAPBSmem` return self.infilename(num) # could probably make one of the two funcs redundant def get_windowdirname(self, num): return "w%0{oomPoints}d".format(oomPoints=self.oomPoints) % num
[docs] def get_taskid(self, num): """Return 1-based Sun Gridengine taskid for an array job""" return num + 1
def _process_window_numbers(self, windows=None): """Window numbers are 0-based.""" if windows is None: windows = numpy.arange(self.numPoints) else: windows = numpy.unique(asiterable(windows)) if windows.min() < 0 or windows.max() >= self.numPoints: errmsg = "window numbers must be between 0 and %d inclusive." % (self.numPoints-1) logger.fatal(errmsg) raise ValueError(errmsg) return windows def getPqrLine(self, aID, aType, rID, rType, x, y, z, q, r): # PQR is white space separated! # but try to be close to PDB... # 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 #123456789.123456789.123456789.123456789.123456789.123456789.123456789.123456789. #ATOM seria name res reSeq x-------y-------z-------occup-tempFa fmt = "ATOM %(aID)5d %(aType)-4s %(rType)3s %(rID)5d %(x)7.3f %(y)7.3f %(z)7.3f %(q)5.3f %(r)5.3f\n" return fmt % vars()
[docs] def readPoints(self): """Read positions for Born ions from data file. Tries to be smart and autodetect standard x-y-z dat file or pdb. """ self.points = bpio.readPoints(self.pointsName) self.numPoints = self.points.shape[0] #Find order of magnitude of number of points with minimum 4 to ensure consistency self.oomPoints = int(math.ceil(math.log10(self.numPoints))) if self.oomPoints < 4: self.oomPoints = 4
# if self.oomPoints == 0: # self.oomPoints = 1
[docs] def readPQR(self): """Read PQR file and determines protein centre of geometry""" pqr = bpio.PQRReader(self.pqrName) self.pqrLines = pqr.pqrLines self.protein_centre = pqr.centroid return pqr.coords
[docs] def writePQRs(self, windows=None): """Generate input pqr files for all windows and store them in separate directories.""" # NOTE: This is the only place where window numbers reference the sample points # at the moment: point = self.points[num] windows = self._process_window_numbers(windows) with in_dir(self.jobName): # make directory if it does not exist and cd into it for num in windows: windowdirname = self.get_windowdirname(num) with in_dir(windowdirname): # write protein (make hard-link to save space) try:, self.get_protein_name()) except OSError, err: if err.errno == errno.EEXIST: pass elif err.errno == errno.EXDEV: import shutil shutil.copy(self.pqrName, self.get_protein_name()) else: raise # write complex and ion x,y,z = self.points[num] # index points with window id aID = 99999 rID = 9999 # born ion is always resname ION ionLines = self.getPqrLine(aID, self.ion.atomname, rID, 'ION', x, y, z, self.ion.charge, self.ion.radius) # write ion with open(self.get_ion_name(num), "w") as ionFile: ionFile.write(ionLines) # write complex with open(self.get_complex_name(num), "w") as cpxFile: for line in self.pqrLines: cpxFile.write(line) cpxFile.write(ionLines)"[%s] Wrote %d pqr files for protein, ion=%s and complex", self.jobName, len(windows), self.ion.atomname)
def get_XYZ_dict(self, name, vec): return {name.upper()+'_XYZ': " ".join(map(str, vec))} def get_XYZ_str(self, vec): return " ".join(map(str, vec)) def __repr__(self): return "<%s from pqr=%r points=%r>" % (self.__class__.__name__, os.path.basename(self.pqrName), os.path.basename(self.pointsName))
[docs]class Placeion(BPbase): "preparing job for APBS energy profiling by placing ions" def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): params = bpio.RunParameters(args[0],True) self.bornprofile_kwargs = kw = params.get_bornprofilenomem_kwargs() self.pqrName = os.path.realpath(kw.pop('pqr')) self.pointsName = os.path.realpath(kw.pop('points')) self.ion = IONS[kw.pop('ion', 'Na')] self.jobName = kw.pop('name', "bornprofile") self.ionicStrength = kw.pop('conc', 0.15) self.temperature = kw.pop('temperature', 300.0) self.sdie = kw.pop('sdie', 78.5) self.pdie = kw.pop('pdie', 10.0) self.arrayscript = read_template(kw.pop('arrayscript', 'q_array.sge')) self.script = read_template(kw.pop('script', '')) dime = numpy.array(kw.pop('dime', [129,129,129])) if len(dime.shape) == 2: self.dime = dime[0] # only take the first one in a triplet else: self.dime = dime self.fglen = numpy.array(kw.pop('fglen', [40,40,40])) self.glen = numpy.array(kw.pop('glen',[[250,250,250],[100,100,100],[50,50,50]])) self.pqrLines = [] self.protein_centre = None"Placeion: pqr=%(pqrName)r", vars(self))"Placeion: points=%(pointsName)r", vars(self))"Placeion: ion=%(ion)r", vars(self)) self.readPQR() self.readPoints() self.pmax = numpy.amax(self.points, axis=0) self.pmin = numpy.amin(self.points, axis=0)
[docs] def generate(self): """Generate all input files.""" # Check to ensure no points for evaluation would cause secondary grid to lie outside of primary grid if numpy.greater(self.pmax - self.protein_centre, numpy.asarray(self.glen[0])/2.0 - (numpy.asarray(self.glen[1])/2.0+5.0)).all() or \ numpy.less(self.pmin - self.protein_centre, -(numpy.asarray(self.glen[0])/2.0 - (numpy.asarray(self.glen[1])/2.0+5.0))).all(): errmsg = ("Points for evaluation lie too close to glen {} box boundary. Adjust this parameter " "accordingly (need to have buffer between points and box boundary to fit the " "secondary grid inside of the first.)".format(self.glen)) logger.fatal(errmsg) raise ValueError(errmsg) self.writePQRs() self.writeIn() return self.writeJob()
[docs] def readPQR(self): """Read PQR file and determine bounding box and centre of geometry.""" coords = super(Placeion, self).readPQR() # :-p return coords
def writeIn(self, windows=None): windows = self._process_window_numbers(windows) for num in windows: x,y,z = self.points[num] # old-style ... manual setting up :-p params = {'x': x, 'y': y, 'z': z, 'protein_pqr': self.get_protein_name(num), 'ion_pqr': self.get_ion_name(num), 'complex_pqr': self.get_complex_name(num), 'DIME_XYZ': self.get_XYZ_str(self.dime), 'CGLEN_XYZ': self.get_XYZ_str(self.glen), 'FGLEN_XYZ': self.get_XYZ_str(self.fglen), 'conc': self.ionicStrength, 'temperature': self.temperature, 'sdie': self.sdie, 'pdie': self.pdie} inPath = self.jobpath(self.get_windowdirname(num), self.infilename(num)) with open(inPath, "w") as inFile: inFile.write(TEMPLATES['placeion'] % params) def writeJob(self, windows=None): # TODO: consolidate with MPlaceion.writeJob if self.script is None: logger.warn("No script template provided; no queuing system scripts are written.") return None windows = self._process_window_numbers(windows) bash_jobarray = [] for num in windows: scriptargs = { 'jobname': self.window_jobname(num), 'infile': self.infilename(num), 'outfile': self.outfilename(num), 'drawmembrane_script': 'false', # hack so that we can use th MPlaceion scripts... 'unpack_dxgz': 'false', # hack so that we can use th MPlaceion scripts... 'apbs_version': '*', # hack so that we can use th MPlaceion scripts... } scriptname = self.jobscriptname(num) scriptpath = self.jobpath(self.get_windowdirname(num), scriptname) # job array taskids are 1-based bash_jobarray.append('job[%d]="%s"' % (self.get_taskid(num), scriptpath)) with open(scriptpath, "w") as jobFile: jobFile.write(self.script % scriptargs) os.chmod(scriptpath, 0755) qsubName = "qsub_" + self.jobName + ".bash" self.numJobs = self.points.shape[0] with open(qsubName, "w") as jobFile: jobFile.write(self.arrayscript % { 'jobName': self.jobName, 'numJobs': self.numJobs, 'jobArray': "\n".join(bash_jobarray), }) return len(windows)
[docs]class MPlaceion(BPbase): """Generate all input files for a Born profile calculation WITH a membrane """ #: Schedule is run from first to last: L -> M -> S #: choose dime compatible with nlev=4 (in input file) schedule = {'dime': [(129, 129, 129),(129, 129, 129),(129, 129, 129)], 'glen': [(250,250,250),(100,100,100),(50,50,50)], } #: These keywords are read from the runinput file but should not be passed on #: through the bornprofile_keywords mechanism. See #:meth:`process_bornprofile_keywords`. remove_bornprofile_keywords = ('fglen', 'dx_R', 'dy_R') def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): """Setup Born profile with membrane. MPlaceion(paramfile[,basedir]) MPlaceion(pqr,points[,memclass,jobName,ionName,ionicStrength,temperature,script,arrayscript,basedir]) :Arguments: *parameterfile* ini-style file containing all run parameters *pqr* PQR file **DEPRECATED** *points* data file with sample points **DEPRECATED** :Keywords: *memclass* a class or type :class:`APBSMem` to customize draw_membrane **DEPRECATED** *jobName* name of the run, used as top directory name and as unique identifier [mbornprofile] *ionName* name of the Rashin&Honig ion to calculate; any ion in IONS works [Na] *ionicStrength* concentration of monovalent NaCl solution in mol/l [0.15] *temperature* temperature in K [300.0] *script* template for a submission script (contains 'abps %(infile)s > %(outfile)s' or similar; %(jobname)s is also replaced). Can be (a) a local file, (b) a file stored in he user template dir, (c) a bundled template file. *arrayscript* template for a queuing system array script; contains the the placeholders %(jobName)s and %(jobArray)s; jobs are stored in the bash array 'job' so there should be a line 'declare -a job'. Window numbers correspond to the task ids (SGE) ar array ids (PBS) in the job array. See ``templates/q_array.sge`` as an example. *basedir* top directory of set up, defaults to [.] """ self.__cache_MemBornSetup = {} params = bpio.RunParameters(args[0], False) self.bornprofile_kwargs = kw = params.get_bornprofile_kwargs() self.pqrName = os.path.realpath(kw.pop('pqr')) self.pointsName = os.path.realpath(kw.pop('points')) self.ion = IONS[kw.pop('ion', 'Na')] self.jobName = kw.pop('name', "mbornprofile") self.ionicStrength = kw.pop('conc', 0.15) self.temperature = kw.pop('temperature', 300.0) self.arrayscript = read_template(kw.pop('arrayscript', 'q_array.sge')) self.script = read_template(kw.pop('script', '')) # any variables that should NOT be passed to the constructor of the # SetupClass must be popped from self.bornprofile_kwargs; this is now # done (together with other hacks) inprocess_bornprofile_kwargs() import electrostatics self.SetupClass = electrostatics.BornAPBSmem # use parameters to customize (see get_MemBornSetup())"MPlaceion: pqr=%(pqrName)r", vars(self))"MPlaceion: points=%(pointsName)r", vars(self))"MPlaceion: bpion=%(ion)r", vars(self)) # sanity check assert len(self.schedule) != len(self.SetupClass.suffices), \ "schedule does not correspond to naming scheme --- make sure that memclass is set up properly" self.pqrLines = [] self.protein_centre = None # do some initial processing... self.readPQR() # hack: also sets self.protein_centre self.readPoints() self.pmax = numpy.amax(self.points, axis=0) # determines the maximum x y and z values for checking against grid sizes self.pmin = numpy.amin(self.points, axis=0) self.process_bornprofile_kwargs() # hackish hook (e.g. set exclusion zone centre) # Checks if any grids from the second phase of focusing will lie outside of the first grid. Exits if true. if numpy.greater(self.pmax - self.protein_centre, numpy.asarray(kw['glen'][0])/2.0 - (numpy.asarray(kw['glen'][1])/2.0+5.0)).all() or \ numpy.less(self.pmin - self.protein_centre, -(numpy.asarray(kw['glen'][0])/2.0 - (numpy.asarray(kw['glen'][1])/2.0+5.0))).all(): errmsg = ("Points for evaluation (pmax = {0}, pmin = {1}) lie too close " "to glen {2} box boundary. " "Adjust this parameter accordingly (need to have buffer between points " "and box boundary to fit the secondary grid inside of the " "first.)".format(self.pmax, self.pmin, kw['glen'][:2])) logger.fatal(errmsg) raise ValueError(errmsg)
[docs] def process_bornprofile_kwargs(self): """Hook to manipulate :attr:`bornprofile_kwargs`. # set exclusion zone centre to the protein centroid (unless *x0_R* and/or *y0_R* are set in the run input cfg file) # shift exclusion zone centre by *dx_R* and *dy_R* # filter :attr:`remove_bornprofile_keywords` """ # :attr:`bornprofile_kwargs` are passed in :meth:`get_MemBornSetup` # directly into downstream classes such as :class:`electrostatics.APBSmem` and # :class:`electrostatics.BornAPBSmem` where they are used (or not) according to # requirements try: kw = self.bornprofile_kwargs except AttributeError: # XXX deprecated use of the class (not using cfg file) -- remove in 1.0 import version assert version.get_version_tuple() < (1,0,0) return # exclusion zone centre if kw['x0_R'] is None: kw['x0_R'] = self.protein_centre[0] if kw['y0_R'] is None: kw['y0_R'] = self.protein_centre[1] # shift the centre kw['x0_R'] += kw['dx_R'] kw['y0_R'] += kw['dy_R'] # filter stuff... probably should do this in a cleaner manner (e.g. different # sections in the parameter file?) -- if anything gets passed then we will die with a # TypeError: object.__init__() takes no parameters in BaseMem for k in self.remove_bornprofile_keywords: kw.pop(k, None)
[docs] def writeJob(self, windows=None): """Write the job script. Can be done selectively for a subset of windows and then the global array script will also only contain this subset of windows. """ if self.script is None: logger.warn("No script template provided; no queuing system scripts are written.") return None windows = self._process_window_numbers(windows) bash_jobarray = [] for num in windows: m = self.get_MemBornSetup(num) # to access anything on a per-window basis scriptargs = { 'jobname': self.window_jobname(num), 'infile': self.infilename(num), # XXX: could take this from m, too... 'outfile': self.outfilename(num), 'unpack_dxgz': m.unpack_dxgz, # XXX: these two really should be attributes of 'apbs_version': m.apbs_version, # of MPlaceion but too lazy right now... 'drawmembrane_script': m.filenames['born_setup_script'], } scriptname = self.jobscriptname(num) scriptpath = self.jobpath(self.get_windowdirname(num), scriptname) # job array taskids are 1-based bash_jobarray.append('job[%d]="%s"' % (self.get_taskid(num), scriptpath)) # write scriptfile into the window directory with open(scriptpath, "w") as jobFile: jobFile.write(self.script % scriptargs) os.chmod(scriptpath, 0755) qsubName = "qsub_" + self.jobName + ".bash" self.numJobs = self.points.shape[0] # always record maximum number with open(qsubName, "w") as jobFile: jobFile.write(self.arrayscript % { 'jobName': self.jobName, 'numJobs': self.numJobs, 'jobArray': "\n".join(bash_jobarray), }) return len(windows)
[docs] def generateMem(self, windows=None, run=False): """Generate special diel/kappa/charge files and for each window. The APBS calculation is set up for manual focusing in three stages: 1. **L** is a coarse grid and centered on the protein 2. **M** is a medium grid, centered on the ion, and using focusing (the boundary values come from the **L** calculation) 3. **S** is the finest grid, also centered and focused on the ion The ion positions ("windows") are simply sequentially numbered, starting at 1, as they appear in the input file. Each window is set up in its own directiroy (called "wNNNN" where NNNN is the 4-digit, zero-padded number). .. Warning:: At the moment it is not checked that the "inner" focusing region M are always contained in the outer region L; it's on the TODO list. :Keywords: *windows* : ``None``, number, or list window number or list of window numbers to generate. If set to ``None`` (the default) then all windows are generated. Window numbers start at 0 and end at numPoints-1. *run* : bool ``True``: immediately generate files (can take a while); ``False`` defer file generation and just write a script [``False``] """ windows = self._process_window_numbers(windows) for num in windows: windowdirpath = self.jobpath(self.get_windowdirname(num)) with in_dir(windowdirpath, create=False): # will throw an error if the directory does not exist -- currently users # responsibility to set it up properly (i.e. generate diel maps etc) membornsetup = self.get_MemBornSetup(num) membornsetup.generate(run=run)
[docs] def get_MemBornSetup(self, num): """Return the setup class for window *num* (cached). The method is responsible for passing all parameters to downstream classes that are used to generate individual windows. It instantiates an appropriately set up class for each window and caches each class. Classes are indexed by *num* (which is the unique window identifier). """ try: return self.__cache_MemBornSetup[num] except KeyError: protein = self.get_protein_name() ion = self.get_ion_name(num) cpx = self.get_complex_name(num) apbs_script_name = self.get_apbs_script_name(num) # should get draw_membrane parameters as well, do this once we use cfg input files # TODO: add position of ion to comments # OLD-STYLE (still used ...): kw = {'conc':self.ionicStrength, 'temperature':self.temperature,'comment':'window %d, z=XXX'%num, 'basedir': os.path.realpath(self.jobpath(self.get_windowdirname(num))), 'apbs_script_name': apbs_script_name} kw.update(self.schedule) # set dime and glen ! # NEW-STYLE (overrides old-style) try: kw.update(self.bornprofile_kwargs) except AttributeError: pass # using a custom SetupClass pre-populates the parameters for draw_membrane2 # (hack!! -- should be moved into a cfg input file) # Cfg file sets remaining kw args [2010-11-19] but still messy; # but no custom classes needed anymore, just electrostatics.BornAPBSmem) self.__cache_MemBornSetup[num] = self.SetupClass(protein, ion, cpx, **kw) return self.__cache_MemBornSetup[num]
[docs] def generate(self, windows=None, run=False): """Set up all input files for Born calculations with a membrane. generate([windows[,run]]) The optional parameter *windows* allows one to select a subset of windows instead of all the points in the sample points file; it can be a single number or a list. Setting *run* to ``True`` immediately generates setup files, in particular it runs :program:`apbs` and :program:`draw_membrane2a` in order to add the membrane to the system. Because this can take a long time for a large number of windows it is also possible to only generate a bash script for each window and defer the setup (*run* = ``False``, the default). """ windows = self._process_window_numbers(windows) self.writePQRs(windows=windows) self.generateMem(windows=windows, run=run) self.writeJob(windows=windows)
[docs]def ngridpoints(c, nlev=4): """The allowed number of grid points. For mg-manual calculations, the arguments are dependent on the choice of *nlev* for dime_ by the formula n = c*2**(nlev + 1) + 1 where n is the dime_ argument, c is a non-zero integer, lev is the nlev value. The most common values for grid dimensions are 65, 97, 129, and 161 (they can be different in each direction); these are all compatible with a nlev value of 4. If you happen to pick a "bad" value for the dimensions (i.e., mismatch with nlev), the APBS code will adjust the specified dime downwards to more appropriate values. This means that "bad" values will typically result in lower resolution/accuracy calculations! .. _dime: """ return c*2**(nlev+1) + 1