Source code for bornprofiler.bpio

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# BornProfiler --- A package to calculate electrostatic free energies with APBS
# Written by Kaihsu Tai, Lennard van der Feltz, and Oliver Beckstein
# Released under the GNU Public Licence, version 3
# Copyright (c) 2005-2008 Kaihsu Tai, Oliver Beckstein
# Copyright (c) 2010-2013 Oliver Beckstein
Input/Output for the BornProfiler modules --- :mod:``

The module contains functions and classes to handle common
functionality to read and write files.

from __future__ import with_statement
import os.path, errno
from ConfigParser import SafeConfigParser
import numpy

import config

import logging
logger = logging.getLogger("")

[docs]def read_dat_to_array(datfile): """Reads the dat file into a (4,N) numpy array""" infolist = [] dat_file = open(datfile) dat_file.readline() for line in dat_file: floatline = [float(x) for x in line.split()] infolist.append(floatline) return (numpy.array(infolist))
def write_dat_from_array(outName, datinfo): with open(outName, "w") as outFile: outFile.write("# x/A y/A z/A W/(kJ/mol)\n") for x,y,z,E in datinfo: outFile.write("{x:>8,.3f} {y:>8,.3f} {z:>8,.3f} {E:>8,.3f}\n".format(x=x,y=y,z=z,E=E))"Wrote Born PMF to {outName}.".format(outName=outName))
[docs]def path(s): """Return *s* with user expansion.""" return os.path.expanduser(s)
[docs]def float_or_None(s): """Return *s* as float or None when x == "None".""" if s == "None": return None return float(s)
[docs]class RunParameters(object): """All parameters for a BornProfiler or APBSmem run are stored in a INI-style file. This class accesses these parameters and can create a template with the default values. The class *guarantees* that all parameters exist; if needed they are populated with default values. Hence it is always possible to access a parameter without having to check if it is there. :Parameters: - zmem : membrane centre (A) - lmem : membrane thickness (A) - Vmem : cytosolic potential in kT/e (untested) - pdie : protein dielectric - sdie: solvent dielectric - mdie: membrane dielectric - Rtop : exclusion cylinder top - Rbot : exclusion cylinder bottom - x0_R : exclusion zone centre in X, ``None`` selects the default - y0_R : exclusion zone centre in Y, ``None`` selects the default - dx_R : shift centre of the exclusion zone in X - dy_R : shift centre of the exclusion zone in Y - cdie : dielectric in the channel (e.g. SDIE) - headgroup_l : thicknes of headgroup region - headgroup_die : dielectric for headgroup region - temperature : temperature - conc : ionic strength in mol/l - ... and more .. SeeAlso:; The example run input configurations file :doc:`examples/example_runinput.cfg` is the full specification and contains annotated values for *all* parameters. """ # For each task (cf the apbs-* scripts!) we define the variables that we # want to pull from the run input config file in the parameter_selections # dict. Keys are tasks, values are dicts that correspond to sections in the # cfg file, together with parameter names *and* types (for the conversion # to python types). # When new parameter are added to the cfg file then they need to be added # in various places: # # 1. examples/example_runinput.cfg (documentation/specification! :-p ) # 2. RunParameters.parameter_selections (possibly multiple times!) # 3. RunParameters._populate_default() # 4. membrane.BaseMem: set as attribute # 5. membrane.APBSnomem.vars: name of the attribute if needed for a task # 6. membrane.APBSmem.vars: name of the attribute if needed for a task # 7. membrane.BornAPBSmem.vars: name of the attribute if needed for a task # The following should all be in a template file, together with the # defaults and types... # Note: The parameter keys are converted to lowercase when accessing # the runparameter file but need to be properly cased in the kwargs # list because this is how they are being used in the downstream code. # section -> key, convertor_function # float, int, str: simple values # path: expand ~ etc # eval: python expressions such as lists or tuples (NOT SAFE!!) parameter_selections = { 'bornprofile': {'environment': [('temperature', float), ('conc', float), ('pdie', float), ('sdie', float), ('pqr', path), ('runtype', str)], 'membrane': [('Rtop', float), ('Rbot', float), ('cdie', float), ('x0_R', float_or_None), ('y0_R', float_or_None), ('dx_R', float), ('dy_R', float), ('headgroup_die', float), ('headgroup_l', float), ('Vmem', float), ('lmem', float), ('zmem', float), ('mdie', float)], 'bornprofile': [('ion', str), ('dime', eval), ('glen', eval), ('fglen', eval), ('points', path)], 'job': [('name', str), ('script', path), ('arrayscript', path)], 'plotting': [('xcolumn',int),('ycolumn',int),('title',str), ('xlabel',str), ('ylabel',str),('plot_label',str), ('color',str),('protein_bottom',float), ('protein_length', float)] }, 'bornprofilenomem': {'environment': [('temperature', float), ('conc', float), ('pdie', float), ('sdie', float), ('pqr', path), ('runtype', str)], 'bornprofile': [('ion', str), ('dime', eval), ('glen', eval), ('fglen', eval), ('points', path)], 'job': [('name', str), ('script', path), ('arrayscript', path)], 'plotting': [('xcolumn',int),('ycolumn',int),('title',str), ('xlabel',str), ('ylabel',str),('plot_label',str), ('color',str),('protein_bottom',float), ('protein_length', float)] }, 'apbsmem': {'environment': [('temperature', float), ('conc', float), ('pdie', float), ('sdie', float), ('pqr', path),], 'membrane': [('Rtop', float), ('Rbot', float), ('cdie', float), ('x0_R', float_or_None), ('y0_R', float_or_None), ('dx_R', float), ('dy_R', float), ('headgroup_die', float), ('headgroup_l', float), ('Vmem', float), ('lmem', float), ('zmem', float), ('mdie', float)], 'potential': [('dime', eval), ('glen', eval),], }, 'apbsnomem': {'environment': [('temperature', float), ('conc', float), ('pdie', float), ('sdie', float), ('pqr', path),], 'potential': [('dime', eval), ('glen', eval),], }, } def __init__(self, filename,*omissions, **defaults): """Reads and parses the configuration file for a job.""" self.filename = filename self.parser = SafeConfigParser(defaults) # set the defaults and override, omitting omissions... self._populate_default(*omissions) # start with user configuration: # (I could add the default values in a template file here... but still # need a way to determine the type for entries) if not os.path.exists(filename): self.write(filename)"Created new run input configuration %(filename)r", vars()) else: # and then override with values from local file self.parser.readfp(open(filename))"Read run input configuration from %(filename)r", vars()) if self.parser.get('bornprofile','ion') == 'H':"WARNING: submitted config file has H as ion. This will result in use of the mostly meaningless H+ proton. Try H30 for a more meaningful calculation") def _populate_default(self, nomembrane=False, **kwargs): # NOTE: - the parser turns all keys into *lowercase* # - values must be strings # - hack: python types are defined via external dicts # (see self.bornprofile_parameters and # get_bornprofile_kwargs()) parser = kwargs.get('parser', None) if parser is None: parser = self.parser # can use %(basedir)s in other entries parser.set('DEFAULT', 'basedir', os.path.realpath(os.path.curdir)) parser.set('DEFAULT', 'solvent_dielectric', '80') if nomembrane: pass else: parser.add_section('membrane') parser.set('membrane', 'Rtop', '0') parser.set('membrane', 'Rbot', '0') parser.set('membrane', 'x0_R', 'None') parser.set('membrane', 'y0_R', 'None') parser.set('membrane', 'dx_R', '0') parser.set('membrane', 'dy_R', '0') parser.set('membrane', 'cdie', '%(solvent_dielectric)s') parser.set('membrane', 'headgroup_die', '20') parser.set('membrane', 'headgroup_l', '0') parser.set('membrane', 'mdie', '2') parser.set('membrane', 'Vmem', '0') parser.set('membrane', 'lmem', '0') parser.set('membrane', 'zmem','0') parser.add_section('environment') parser.set('environment', 'pqr', 'protein.pqr') parser.set('environment', 'temperature', '298.15') parser.set('environment', 'conc', '0.1') parser.set('environment', 'pdie', '10') parser.set('environment', 'sdie', '%(solvent_dielectric)s') parser.set('environment', 'runtype', 'with_protein') # alternative: mem_only parser.add_section('bornprofile') parser.set('bornprofile', 'ion', 'Na') parser.set('bornprofile', 'dime', '[(129,129,129),(129,129,129),(129,129,129)]') parser.set('bornprofile', 'glen', '[(250,250,250),(100,100,100),(50,50,50)]') parser.set('bornprofile', 'fglen', '(40,40,40)') parser.set('bornprofile', 'points', 'points.dat') parser.add_section('potential') # for membrane.APBSmem parser.set('potential', 'dime', '(97,97,97)') parser.set('potential', 'glen', '(200,200,200)') parser.add_section('executables') #should come from global file #parser.set('executables', 'drawmembrane', 'draw_membrane2a') #parser.set('executables', 'apbs', 'apbs') parser.add_section('job') parser.set('job', 'name', 'mbornprofile') parser.set('job', 'script', '') parser.set('job', 'arrayscript', 'q_array.sge') parser.add_section('plotting') parser.set('plotting','xcolumn','2') parser.set('plotting','ycolumn','3') parser.set('plotting','title','BP') parser.set('plotting','xlabel','z') parser.set('plotting','ylabel','W_elec') parser.set('plotting','plot_label','Ion') parser.set('plotting','color','black') parser.set('plotting','protein_bottom','-20') parser.set('plotting','protein_length','40') def _get_kwargs(self, *args, **kwargs): """Prepare kwargs for a specified task.""" task = args[0] args = args[1:] parameter_selection = self.parameter_selections[task] kw = {} for section,parameters in parameter_selection.items(): for option,convertor in parameters: try: kw[option] = convertor(self.parser.get(section,option,vars=kwargs)) except: logger.error("Problem obtaining required parameter " "[%(section)s] %(option)s from "+str(self.filename), vars()) raise if len(args) == 1: return kw[args[0]] elif len(args) > 0: return [kw[k] for k in args] return kw
[docs] def get_bornprofile_kwargs(self, *args, **kwargs): """Return a dict with kwargs appropriate for :class:`bornprofile`. Default values can be supplied in *kwargs*. This method picks unique parameter keys from the relevant sections of the run parameters file (i.e. *bornprofile*, *membrane*, and *environment*). If args are provided, then either a single value corresponding to the key or a list of such values is returned instead. """ _args = ('bornprofile',) + args return self._get_kwargs(*_args, **kwargs)
[docs] def get_bornprofilenomem_kwargs(self, *args, **kwargs): """Return a dict with kwargs appropriate for :class:`bornprofilenomem`. Default values can be supplied in *kwargs*. This method picks unique parameter keys from the relevant sections of the run parameters file (i.e. *bornprofile*, *membrane*, and *environment*). If args are provided, then either a single value corresponding to the key or a list of such values is returned instead. """ _args = ('bornprofilenomem',) + args return self._get_kwargs(*_args,**kwargs)
[docs] def get_apbsnomem_kwargs(self, *args, **kwargs): """Return a dict with kwargs appropriate for :class:`membrane.APBSnomem`. Default values can be supplied in *kwargs*. This method picks unique parameter keys from the relevant sections of the run parameters file (i.e. *bornprofile* and *environment*). If args are provided, then either a single value corresponding to the key or a list of such values is returned instead. """ _args = ('apbsnomem',) + args return self._get_kwargs(*_args, **kwargs)
[docs] def get_apbsmem_kwargs(self, *args, **kwargs): """Return a dict with kwargs appropriate for :class:`membrane.APBSmem`. Default values can be supplied in *kwargs*. This method picks unique parameter keys from the relevant sections of the run parameters file (i.e. *bornprofile*, *membrane*, and *environment*). If args are provided, then either a single value corresponding to the key or a list of such values is returned instead. """ _args = ('apbsmem',) + args return self._get_kwargs(*_args, **kwargs)
[docs] def write(self, filename=None): """Write the current parameters to *filename*.""" if filename is None: filename = self.filename with open(filename, 'w') as f: self.parser.write(f) return filename
[docs]def readPoints(filename): """Read coordinates from either data file or pdb. Returns (N,3) array. """ try: points = readPointsDat(filename) except ValueError: points = readPointsPDB(filename)"Read points from %(filename)r.", vars()) return points
[docs]def readPointsDat(filename): """Read points from a simple data file. Example:: # comment x y z x y z ... """ # or could just use numpy.loadtxt(filename) ... points = [] with open(filename) as pointsFile: for line in pointsFile: line = line.strip() if line.startswith('#') or len(line) == 0: continue fields = line.split() if len(fields) < 3: raise ValueError("%(filename)r must contain at least 3 entries x y z per line. Offending line was %(line)r." % vars()) points.append(map(float, fields[0:3])) return numpy.array(points)
[docs]def readPointsPDB(filename): """Read points form a PDB formatted file. Takes x,y,z from any ATOM or HETATM record. """ points = [] with open(filename) as pointsFile: for line in pointsFile: line = line.strip() if not (line.startswith('ATOM') or line.startswith('HETATM')): continue x,y,z = float(line[30:38]), float(line[38:46]), float(line[46:54]) points.append((x,y,z)) return numpy.array(points)
[docs]def read_template(filename): """Return *filename* as one string. *filename* can be one of the template files. """ # XXX: add a cache?? Would have to be careful with user supplied files. fn = config.get_template(filename) logger.debug("Reading file %(filename)r from %(fn)r.", vars()) return "".join(file(fn).readlines())
[docs]class PQRReader(object): """Naive implementation of a PQR reader.""" def __init__(self, filename, **kwargs): self.pqrName = filename self.pqrLines = [] # verbatim copy of all ATOM lines, some functions just use that with open(self.pqrName, "r") as pqrFile: for line in pqrFile: if (line[0:4] == "ATOM"): self.pqrLines.append(line) _coords = [] for line in self.pqrLines: fields = line.split() # This depends on correct spacing in the PQR file. try: _coords.append(map(float, fields[5:8])) except: logger.fatal("Problem with PQR file format of file %(pqrName)r", vars(self)) logger.fatal("Offending line: %s", line) raise self.coords = numpy.array(_coords) self.centroid = self.coords.mean(axis=0)"PQRReader: Read %(pqrName)r with centroid = %(centroid)r", vars(self)) @property def coordinates(self): return self.coords @property def centerOfGeometry(self): return self.centroid